generated by litdoc


litdoc is a simple 3 column documentation generator. The most common use case is a single This file itself is a demo:

Installation & Usage

There are two ways to use litdoc, locally and globally.

Local Installation & Usage

If you only need litdoc for your current project, we recommend a local installation via npm.

$ npm install litdoc --save-dev

You can use it as a CLI tool.

$ ./node_modules/.bin/litdoc output.html

Or you can use it directly in your application, generating the HTML inline.

var litdoc = require('litdoc');

// generate the HTML inline
var documentationHtml = litdoc({
  markdown: '## Hello!\n\nThis is a sample doc.\n\n' +
            '```js\nvar hello = "world"\n```'

Or, you can optionally read/write to specific paths.

var litdoc = require('litdoc');
var path = require('path');

// reads a markdown file and writes an HTML file
  markdownPath: path.join(__dirname, '../'),
  outputPath: path.join(__dirname, '../index.html')

Global Installation & Usage

If you'd prefer to make litdoc available across all your projects, you can install it locally with npm.

$ npm install -g litdoc

You can use it as a CLI tool from anyplace on your machine.

$ litdoc output.html


Below is the reference for the only function litdoc exposes.


  • title - default 'Documentation'
  • markdown - default undefined - overrides markdownPath
  • markdownPath - default undefined
  • css - default undefined - overrides cssPath
  • cssPath - default 'assets/base.css' - litdoc provided
  • template - default undefined - overrides templatePath
    • this is neat
  • templatePath - default 'templates/index.jst' - litdoc provided
  • outputPath - default undefined

You must provide either markdown or markdownPath.

var litdoc = require('litdoc');

  title: 'Documentation',
  markdown: undefined,
  markdownPath: undefined,
  css: undefined,
  cssPath: 'assets/base.css', // litdoc provided
  template: undefined,
  templatePath: 'templates/index.jst', // litdoc provided
  outputPath: undefined,